It’s never about us.
It’s always
about you 🫵. But since you’re here… 

It’s not our story, it’s yours

We are a product of the work we do, which is always led by great clients like you. But, since you’re here on the ‘About’ page, you’ll want to know more about us. And, why wouldn’t you want the scoop on your next design and marketing agency?

We are CMA. Nice to e-meet you. Design and marketing is what we do.
‘Designer Marketing’ is what we like to call it.
CMA is a bringer of big returns to small, medium and multinational brands around the world. We are the one point of contact for our clients. The friend you go to when you are in need. And, because we are a full agency, we can fulfil all your needs from consultancy, strategy, content, design and videography, to marketing, SEO and paid search.

You get the drill.

The Name

CMA stands for The Content Marketing Agency. The name is derivative of our roots – even today, we remain a content-first agency. Content underpinned by research and informed by strategy. Why? Because you can have the most beautiful designs in the world (and you will) but, if they aren’t grounded in content, based on in-depth research and part of an incredble strategy, they will never elevate your business.

The Location

London? Paris? New York? Yes, we have offices around the UK and a presence in Boston, East Coast USA. Unlike other global agencies though, CMA was born in Cleethorpes, North East Lincolnshire. It neighbours the historical fishing town of Grimsby. And it’s where our headquarters remain.

Cleethorpes isn’t a creative mecca. Nor is it a burgeoning hub for the marketing industry. But there is talent here aplenty. And we are extremely proud to call this little seaside town, home. We are proud to contribute to our area. To have built a hub for like-minded creatives. To contribute to our locality. To invest in the economy. The culture. And sustain it’s proud heritage.

Strategic thinking, creative soul

The Why

1. You’ll come to think of CMA as your very own marketing department. From the wings, we bring the ‘wow’ factor to standalone jobs and also play the role of strategic overseer to all aspects of your design and marketing. How involved we are is up to you. This takes the cost and logistical headache out of working with multiple agencies.

2. Like you, we are a business. So, we understand the pressures that come with it. Sure, we’ll structure your design and marketing experience but, sometimes, you’ll have real-time needs. So, if you ‘need it tomorrow’, you’ll get it tomorrow.

3. When you need us, we are here. When you ring, you don’t want to be put on hold. And, when you email, you won’t have to wait days for a response.

4. We’re not the typically stuffy agency. Sure, we’re professional, but we are also fun. And personable. We’ll get to know you and, with time, come to love and know your business with a passion comparable to your own. Your marketing needs to be personal. So we’ll get personal with you.

5. We bring it all together for you. Make it work as one. Think branding. Graphics. Websites. Content. Social. Marketing. They all inform each other and, to maximise your impact, should work as one seamless entity.

The Process

CMA crafts seriously clever shit. And by shit, we mean good shit! That’s because we think before we do. After all, it doesn’t matter how good a design looks or sounds, it needs to deliver a return on your investment. It needs to further your business goals.  

Defined, measurable, result-driven strategies will shake free bubbles of creativity which capture the imaginations of your buyers. 

Strategy  >  Design  > Implement  >  Market

You rock. We rock. Let’s talk about rocking together!🤘

We make every brand feel like VIP​